Student Director at Large
Sanele Lukhele, M CUR, B CUR, RM, RN, RPN, RCN
Lecturer- Midwifery
University of Johannesburg
South Africa
Educational Biography
2020 Diploma in Nursing Education
University of Pretoria
2019 Magister Curationis (MCur): Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing Science
University of Pretoria
2019 Diploma in Advanced Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing Science.
University of Pretoria
2015 Bachelor of Nursing Science (General Nurse, Midwife, Psychiatric Nurse, Community Nurse)
Professional Biography
Sanele Lukhele is a Lecturer in the Nursing Department at the University of Johannesburg. She is a PhD candidate at the University of Pretoria. Her areas of interest are maternal and neonatal health as well as indigenous knowledge systems. In 2017, the international community recognized her, as she was invited to be Africa’s sole representative in the Sigma Nursing Next Generation Leaders eight-member task force. In 2018, Sanele made it on to the Mail and Guardian 200 Young South Africans list, an honor that she has dedicated to all nurses who have made it their mandate to restore the image of nursing in South Africa. In 2019, she was awarded the Gauteng Premier’s Excellence Award in the health category. Her collaborative, people centered nature has allowed her to build strong professional relationships throughout her career. As a testament to this, last year she was appointed as on the global Nursing Now- Midwives in Focus Steering committee. Sanele is a passionate midwife who always advocates for midwifery led care for all low-risk women. She has made it her mission to educate those within her reach about midwifery led care.