Quality of Nursing Doctoral Education
Quality of Nursing Doctoral Education
INDEN members from the USA and the UK are conducting a research project on the Quality of Nursing Doctoral Education (QNDE). This is being undertaken by a research team composed of investigators from the USA and the UK. The aim is to test the item reliability and to establish construct validity for the global use of a questionnaire that assesses the quality of nursing doctoral education (QNDE). This study focuses on research-intensive nursing doctoral education rather than practice-oriented doctoral education.
The research is based on the initial work by INDEN, involving the development of quality indicators, that led to the quality of nursing doctoral education (QNDE) research. This resulted in several individual country publications, as well as a major report on doctoral program quality in seven countries, which was published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing in 2015 titled Quality of Nursing Doctoral Education in Seven Countries: Survey of Faculty and Students/Graduates.