Please take a moment to review our webinar offerings.

Presented on 6 December 2022

Inspiring Doctoral Nurse Educators to Collaborate and Operationalize Professional Identity in Nursing

Rhoda A. Owens, PhD, RN | Associate Professor, University of North Dakota | United States of America
Amy L. Hite, EdD(c), DNP, APRN, FNP-C | Professor, Pittsburg State University | United States of America

The presentation aims to operationalize professional identity in nursing for the nurse educator. Doctoral nursing education and practice require a conceptual understanding and embracing the value of professional identity in nursing to foster collaboration and lead healthcare for improved health outcomes. Nurse educators can utilize professional identity knowledge to foster the translation of iterative research into evidence and practice with doctoral nursing students.

Presented on 20 October 2023

Grant Writing 101: The Beginning

The purpose of grants and grant dissemination will be discussed. This webinar will provide participants with an overview of how to write a research abstract, proposal, and/or grant for submission. The webinar will provide a basic understanding of the abstract/proposal/grant writing steps. This will be the first in a series of grant-specific webinars.

Lois S. Marshall, PhD, MN, RN | Nurse Consultant with LSM Educational Consulting | United States of America

Presented on 7 November 2023

Trauma-Informed Approaches Center Equity, Inclusion, and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Health Equity outlines the role of nursing in advancing health equity and “…helping people live their healthiest life…”. Focused on educational equity, one of the highlights of this report is that nursing students need to graduate with the skills to deliver patient-centered care to diverse populations through trauma-informed care (TIC). How can nurses and students use TIC if the walls they are being educated in are not trauma-informed? Failing to honor and value students’ backgrounds and experiences in the classroom is a form of violence and can lead to trauma or re-trauma. Healthcare educators must be aware of the prevalence of trauma, how trauma is produced and reproduced in the learning environment, and how it can induce overwhelming stress and derail learning. Trauma-informed approaches require the examination and elimination of inequitable practices and policies in academia and provide a framework for centering equity, inclusion, and culturally responsive pedagogy. Academic healthcare institutions should be trauma-informed and prioritize the training of leaders, faculty, and staff on using Trauma-informed approaches.

Rana "Renna" Najjar, PhD, RN, CPNP | Associate Professor at Oregon Health & Science University | United States of America

Presented on 20 December 2023

As the second webinar in the Grant Writing Series, this webinar discusses the types of grants for research and funding needs, including but not limited to small and large grants, governmental and organizational grants, and partnered grants. Timing of grant applications and submissions will be examined concerning requests for proposals (RFP) and professional and personal workload/commitments.

Grant Writing 101: Types of Grants

Lois S. Marshall, PhD, MN, RN | Nurse Consultant with LSM Educational Consulting | United States of America

Presented on 25 January 2024

The third installment of the Grant Writing Series addresses how to begin the process. Initial steps in grant writing depend on the research or evidence-based questions and the funder's needs. The art of writing a proposal for a grant will also be examined with an emphasis on using "written voice" to make salient points that funders will look for in the grant application.

Grant Writing 101: Where to Begin the Grant Writing Process

Lois S. Marshall, PhD, MN, RN | Nurse Consultant with LSM Educational Consulting | United States of America

Presented on 6 March 2024

Institutions of higher education are often eager to bring qualified students to campus. Students outside their home country bring perspectives and experiences that enrich academic cohorts. However, there are difficulties in recruiting and retaining partnerships between university systems. Dr. Gutiérrez Valverde and two of her students will discuss ways to increase and promote doctoral-level collaboration between universities within Mexico and other countries. The discussion will center around the lessons learned, from the perspective of doctoral students, in education between university systems.

Partnering with International Universities in Doctoral Education

Juana Mercedes Gutierrez Valverde, DSN, RN | Professor | Mexico

Perla Orozco Naranjo, MPH, BN, RN | Doctoral Student | Mexico

Alberto Francisco Gonzalez Flores, MN, BN, RN | Doctoral Student | Mexico

Presented on 28 March 2024

The fourth installment of the Grant Writing Series addresses the grant proposal. The more common components of a grant application will be examined. A brief discussion of each component will ensue, including some variation related to grant/funder format.

Grant Writing 101: Writing the Actual Proposal

Lois S. Marshall, PhD, MN, RN | Nurse Consultant with LSM Educational Consulting | United States of America

Presented on 25 April 2024

Grant Writing 101: Navigating the Submission Process

The fifth installment of the Grant Writing Series addresses the submission process. The submission process for a grant application can take time and effort, even for the most seasoned of grant writers. The discussion will take place on timing and technical aspects of electronic submissions, how to use reviewer feedback and constructive criticism most effectively, and steps to take for grant resubmission. Examples will be used from diverse grants commonly applied for by nurses.

Lois S. Marshall, PhD, MN, RN | Nurse Consultant with LSM Educational Consulting | United States of America

Presented on 23 May

The aftermath of a grant application submission will be discussed in the sixth and final installment of the Grant Writing Series. The aftermath of the grant process should be given more thought and time. This session will focus on the next steps once a grant has been submitted and the decision has been made to fund, non-fund, or resubmit.

Grant Writing 101: After the Grant

Lois S. Marshall, PhD, MN, RN | Nurse Consultant with LSM Educational Consulting | United States of America

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